October 2021
Dear Former P.S. 174 Campus Community Members,
The New York City Department of Education is providing this letter to let you know about our efforts to closely monitor and address environmental quality in NYC school buildings.
Earlier this year, environmental testing was performed at the P.S. 174 campus in connection with a proposed addition to the school. Laboratory analyses of soil vapor samples found volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are above the guidance levels set by the New York State Department of Health Air Guideline Values. The detected VOCs in soil vapor are attributed to off-site activities unrelated to the existing school.
Based on these findings, a soil vapor barrier will be integrated into the new building addition. All soil excavated during construction will be properly handled and disposed of, and topsoil will be placed over exposed soil in all landscaped areas. Additionally, standard construction practices will include dust control measures and the work area will be fenced and restricted to construction personnel only.
We have posted these test results under ‘Reports – Facilities’ on the DOE website at: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/schools/Q174
As the DOE continues to address environmental quality in NYC schools, we will keep the public school community updated regarding our progress.
Kevin Moran
Chief School Operations Officer
Office of the Chancellor
NYC Department of Education
52 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10007
PS 174 Expansion and Structural Renovations 2021-2024
Fall 2021
The past year has challenged everyone at PS 174, staff, studies and families, to truly exhibit a growth mindset and to rethink instruction for elementary students in grades K through Grade 5. We could never imagine remote learning – teaching reading, writing, gym, art, science and every subject from and with a computer or tablet. But now that we are looking forward and planning for a return to in person learning with innovative and enriching experiences. These values are at the core of the new project we are taking on with our PS 174 expansion.
The following is included in the capital work and is expected to be complete in its entirety by Fall 2024.
- A three story (one below ground level) addition on the space that is currently housing the TCUs (Temporary Classroom Units) in the adjoining school yard. This space is a conjoined property of the New York City Parks Department and the Department of Education. The addition will only take up a portion of the park area, with the remainder intact for benches, basketball, and other physical activities.
- Relocation of the main entrance and administrative offices to the new addition. There will be an additional ten classrooms to accommodate our students, as well as anticipated 3K and Pre K students.
- A new cafeteria and kitchen that will be able to serve 300 students their meals instead of the current 180 capacity. There will also be hand washing stations, restrooms, and access to the outdoor spaces assuring values of health, hygiene, and safety.
- The current cafeteria will be used as a general-purpose room. This will enable grade and class celebrations and larger events without overcrowding our classrooms and taking away instructional time and space from the gym. It will also serve as a rehearsal space for the many dance and art residencies that we have, as well as a project or recess space before and after lunch on indoor days.
- Our school will become fully physically accessible – with the installation of an elevator and lift to the gym and stage. Specialty spaces for our Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist and School Assessment Team will be on the same level as the students for their services.
- In order to provide optimal learning space with areas for their enrichment instruction, there will be a full sized art room, an expanded library, and a music and performance space added to our main floor. The plan also includes an additional Technology Lab with desktops where students can use state-of- the-art computers that are hard wired to the internet.
Structural Renovations 2021-2022
- Technology Upgrade - $240,000 in Capital funding for upgrades from the NYC Fiscal Year 2022 Budget from NYC Councilmember Karen Koslowitz. The plan includes installation of 16 of the largest and latest Smartboards available. Measurement have already been taken and boards are expected to be in use in the Fall. This includes mobile boards for the Art Room, Gym, and Stage. We learned that large spaces have value for virtual field trips, shows and performances.
- Additionally, our current Technology lab is getting an upgrade to a Mac Lab with 32 new student stations, a new server and two Smartboards for display. Additional printers will be included in this work as well.
- Chilled and filtered water is appreciated by our students and staff. There has already been three new water fountains and two new bottle fillers installed in our corridors in Spring 2021.
- Every classroom has been air-conditioned as part of the Mayor’s 2017 initiative to assure comfortable learning conditions for all students by 2022. These new window units were installed for most classrooms in June and the smaller units for offices are expected before September. Two Hepa Filers are in each classroom and instructional space. The auditorium air conditioning has also been completed and will be enjoyed by all of the large assemblies we have.
- All of this work is from the generosity of funding allocated from our New York City Council and supported by member D27 Councilmember Karen Koslowitz.
PS 174 in Rego Park will be expanded by 432 seats, Mayor de Blasio announced during a town hall in Forest Hills last Wednesday.
“Without any unforeseen site conditions or other hurdles, we anticipate opening the addition in September 2024,” said School Construction Authority spokesman Kevin Ortiz, in an email.
Two classroom trailers will be demolished later this year to make space for the addition for the school at 65-10 Dieterle Crescent, which includes students from prekindergarten to fifth grade.
The addition will provide classrooms, specialty spaces and a new kitchen and cafeteria, Ortiz said.
Other area grade schools will be receiving more seats in the next few years.
March 2020
District 28 Superintendent Dr. Pate studies the original blueprints of PS 174 with Principal Kelly. Students were amazed to see the labeling of spaces with their intended use and compared the use today.
We noticed much: there were locker room and showers that are now classrooms and offices. There were storage areas that are now being used for office space. We had a medical suite on the first floor, complete with office, file room, waiting room and two exam spaces! Now in it's place is our music room. So many reasons why we really need the new addition.