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general info


school hours

PS 174 2023-2024

School hours Time: 8am-2:20pm

Websites NYC school website-- NY City school information for all five boroughs, curriculum, School Foods program-menus and more. There are also press releases/updates from the Chancellor Carmen FariƱa.

NYS website-- New York State curriculum with resources, learning standards/Core curriculum, exams/tests/assessments & more.

Dial A Teacher United Federation of Teachers 1 (212) 777-3380 Free Help with Homework! Parents! Get help working with your child. Students! Call and get help in Reading, Math, Writing and Science Available in Spanish, Italian, Chinese, French, Haitian-Creole, Greek, Hebrew, Korean, Russian

Call on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday 4pm-7pm A teacher will answer to help.

Other noteworthy web info-

Back to School Tips for Parents-- NYC Department of Education's school website- provides info- school menus (breakfast, Lunch), curriculum, busing -Office of Pupil Transportation (OPT).

Questions or concerns?

Please write a note for your child to give to the teacher. Teachers are in session all day. A written note is the best means of communication in answering your questions.

School Security & entry into the PS 174

All visitors require a photo identification to enter the building. This includes grandma & grandpa & any assigned other person to pick up your child.

Emergency Contact Info

Please print clearly all names & phones numbers at home, work, and cell - on both blue contact cards & white emergency forms. This helps us help your child if he/she is sick.


The Office of Pupil Transportation (OPT) assigns the routes & pickup time & drop off. The OPT are the ones that notify the parents. Once busing begins please be at the bus area earlier than pickup or drop off time. Please anticipate that there will be delays---new bus drivers, routes, traffic. For general info on busing, please go the Department of Education's Website, select Offices, select Office of Pupil Transportation. For specific details on your child's route & pick up time, please call the OPT Hotline at 718 392-8855.


If your child is sick, upon return to school, please write a note to the teacher with the absent dates & the reason for the absence. It is not necessary to call the school.

Please note: Teachers need a note from you for all absences.

Lost & Found Please label /write names on all articles of clothing, school bag, books etc. Clothing found without names are hung in the lunchroom waiting to be found. Please have your child check the classroom & lunchroom. Also, please write a note to the teacher to check those areas and so fellow classmates can help look for it. Any items that are left unclaimed after one month are cleaned and donated.
