Welcome to Ps174

PS174 WelcomeThe mission of Public School 174 is to create a community of learners through nurturing and stimulating educational experiences. With technology, STEM and arts integration we enhance student engagement, support instructional practices, and provide improved communication and presentations skills for all.

By recognizing and embracing the diverse cultures represented in our school, students realize the importance of mutual respect and understanding. Civic responsibility is developed through service projects that reach out to others - building up both students and the community.

Parent involvement is a vital part of the school. It complements and supports the professional teaching children receive.


Principal's Message

Reward School


School Tours 2023

Grade Preentations Kindergarten First Grade Third Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade

Focus School and District Goals Calendar

December January


Respect for All



Dr. Hazel-Ann Lewis, Interim Acting Principal
Ms. Kerstin Kobetitsch, Assistant Principal
TBD, Parent Coordinator

Statement of Accessibility

Contact us

PS174 William Sidney Mount
65-10 Dieterle Crescent,
Queens, NY 11374
Phone: (718) 897 7006
Fax: (718) 897 7254

Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade PE Library STEM gate Residences Cultural Class Arts Music Library