2023-204 Meeting dates coming soon...
School Safety Meetings SY 2022-2023
Fridays 8:00am
- 9/9
- 10/7
- 11/4
- 12/2
- 1/6
- 2/3
- 3/3
- 4/5 (Wednesday Town Hall)
- 5/5
- 6/2
Parent Information Session: What are the Safety drills and Protocols for NYC Schools?
With Principal Kelly, AP Kobetitisch, Karen Roopchand
Facilitator, PC Laura Hui,Date: Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Time: 9am-10am
Via MEETAgenda
* What is the General Response Protocol? (GRP)
* What is our School Safety Plan?
* What information can be found on our school website?
Safety Drills for All New York City Public Schools
General Response Protocol (GRP)May 27, 2022
Dear PS 174 Families:
I am writing to inform you that our school has been implementing protocols that focus on emergency preparedness. This happens in every school, every month, every year. NYC Public Schools system currently has procedures for emergencies. Every school has a certified School Safety Plan that is reviewed, approved, and in accordance with NYPD, School Safety, and FDNY. Emergency drills have been conducted throughout the year preparing our staff and students, and for making improvements in emergency planning.
Additionally, every door is locked for entry (with the exception of arrivals and dismissals) and are armed with a door alarm. Daily sweeps of the building and grounds are conducted multiple times of the day by our school Safety Agent. At that time, a designated staff member is in place following a specific protocol for entry (delivery and approved guests.)
Under the General Response Protocol (GRP), every school has been conducting drills designed to help prepare all school communities for three different types of response to emergencies that may occur: evacuation, shelter-in, and lockdown.
With that said, PS174 has 2 drills remaining for the 2021-2022 school year. These will be conducted in June. You are encouraged to take advantage of the many resources that are available to keep families informed if there is an emergency at a school. Please follow the Safety Tab on the website at http://ps174.org/safety.html.
As you know our school uses the automated telephone system, Global Connect, and the mobile app REMIND and it is important for all families to provide updated Emergency Contact Cards to us to keep on file in our main office. This includes providing information indicating phone numbers, and the names of adults who the school may release children to in an emergency. Please know that “all numbers” will only be used in an emergency and not for routine announcements.
Families are also encouraged to register with Notify NYC (https://a858-nycnotify.nyc.gov/notifynyc/) to receive information about emergency events, and may call 311 for additional information about a school during an emergency. Please email any questions you have to me, as well as our Parent Coordinator, Mrs. Hui at LHui2@schools.nyc.gov.
Principal Karin Kelly
May 25, 2022
School Safety - Letter from DOE Chancellor David Banks - Family Letter.
(translated versions when available at schools.nyc.gov/messagesforfamilies.)
Dear Families,Today we find ourselves in the heartbreaking position of having to process, once again, the senseless and devastating murder of students and teachers. We have endured so much these last few years and our school communities have shown incredible resilience in the face of unprecedented challenges. What they should not have to worry about is the threat of gun violence in their own classrooms. No parent should have to worry about the safety of their child when they drop them off for school every morning. No teacher or principal should feel fear when the door of a classroom or school building opens throughout the day. No child should have to a light candle for lost friends and classmates.
In these times, it is important that we all pull together and do what our city does best: support one another. School staff members are willing and able to provide support and assistance. Remind your child that their school is a safe place and encourage them to discuss their feelings. Please do not hesitate to share your child’s concerns with school staff members so we can provide appropriate supports.
I want to reassure all members of our school community that we are focused on safety every day. The NYC Department of Education will continue to work closely with the New York Police Department and partner city agencies to provide support and information during major incidents that impact our school communities. All New York City public schools follow strict safety protocols designed to keep your children safe at all times, especially in the event of an emergency. You can find information about the protocols we follow to keep children safe on our website at schools.nyc.gov/school-life/safe-schools/emergency-readiness.
Please make sure your school has current emergency contact information for your family. In addition, you can register for Notify NYC (a858-nycnotify.nyc.gov) and create an NYC Schools Account (schoolsaccount.nyc) to ensure you receive up-to-date information on emergency events.
The health and safety of our students continues to be our highest priority and we are here to help you during this challenging time.
Soaring high,
David C. Banks
ChancellorPlease sign up-- NotifyNYC—New York City’s dedicated emergency public communications program and official source for information about emergency alerts and important city services
For information on school safety, please visit DOE website at schools.nyc.gov/school-life/safe-schools/emergency-readiness.
Internet Safety Update - November 5th, 2021
Dear PS 174 Families, As you know, every child has a Google Suite, and many children have their own separate email accounts. Students may use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik-Tok and YouTube and use games such as Fortnight, Xbox, and Play Station. Social media is part of the present day culture; attractive to users for fun, entertainment and as well as for learning.
In recent days, it has come to our attention that some upper grade students are using social media and creating inappropriate content and comments. Specifically the use of a platform called “Discord.” This is an adult facing app for those who are interested in argumentative commentary and promoting conflict. This is not an appropriate discussion board for our children.
Please be sure to continuously monitor your child’s use of the internet – their devices and phones and speak to your child about their use of social networking. The following reminders were shared with students today:
* Play games and use apps with adults present
* Never play internet games or have chats with anyone that you do not know
* Never engage in inappropriate conversations – even with friends or classmates. Call an adult immediately.
* Never accept any challenges without permission and participation of family
* If you see a frightening picture, Avitar, or read or hear a frightening message, call an adult immediately.
For parents, please use parent controls on all devices. Limit access and keep all passwords so that you can monitor student accounts. Know and limit your child’s contacts. Sometimes “friends” are not people they know or ever met.
All New York City schools are required to teach our students about appropriate online behavior using an approved curriculum. This includes how to interact appropriately on social networking websites, cyberbullying awareness and ways of response. For your information, there is a link below with good tips and resources for your consideration.
We are committed to protecting the safety and security of all of our students when using direct electronic communications both in school and at home. If you have any questions or concerns, always reach out to me, kkelly8@schools.nyc.gov, LHui2@schools.nyc.gov or your child’s teacher, and we will follow up with you.
Karin K. Kelly
https://www.commonsensemedia.org with a special section for parents that can be found at https://www.commonsensemedia.org/parent-concerns
SCHOOL SAFETY UPDATES - September 24, 2020
Dear Parents:
I am writing to inform you that our school will be implementing protocols focusing on emergency preparedness in all NYC Public Schools. Every school currently has procedures for emergencies. Drills are conducted throughout the year to prepare our staff and students, and make improvements in emergency planning.
Under the General Response Protocol (GRP), every school will be conducting drills for in person Groups A B C that are designed to prepare our school communities for three different types of response to emergencies that may occur: evacuation, shelter-in, and lockdown and will include social distancing requirements and adaptations. Training has begun and will continue for staff and students throughout the year conducted by our school Safety Administrator, Assistant Principal Mrs. Kobetitsch. Refresher lessons will be conducted with modification to numbers, use of exits and social distancing.
You are encouraged to take advantage of the many resources that are available to keep families informed if there is an emergency at a school. As you know our school uses the automated telephone system, Global Connect, and the mobile app REMIND and it is important for all families to provide updated Emergency Contact Cards to us to keep on file in our main office. This includes providing information indicating phone numbers, and the names of adults who the school may release children to in an emergency. Please know that “all numbers” will only be used in an emergency and not for routine announcements. Additional phone contacts will be requested to assure timely pick up of students and for any possible school closing.
Families are also encouraged to register with Notify NYC (https://a858-nycnotify.nyc.gov/notifynyc/) to receive information about emergency events, and may call 311 for additional information about a school during an emergency. Please email any questions you have to our Parent Coordinator, Mrs. Hui at LHui2@schools.nyc.gov.
Principal K. Kelly
Due to the effects of COVID 19, NYC Schools are operating in a Blended Model for 2020 2021 School Year - with students reporting to the building in a reduced capacity base on social distancing requirements and space allocations available.
* School Safety Team Meetings are required to be held monthly, according to the NYC Regulations of the Chancellor. Due the impact of COVID-19, the regular meetings of the Public School 174 School Safety Team Town Hall meetings originally scheduled on Friday April 3, will be held alternately electronically. Since this has been identified in our PS 174 School Safety Plan as a Town Hall, it is a meeting open to the public.
Additional details regarding how the public may join the April Town Hall meeting and may sign up to offer public comment are available by emailing our Safety Team chairman AP Kerstin Kobetitsch at KKobetit@schools.nyc.gov to request an invite to attend. Participants may submit topics/questions prior to the meeting, will be added to the agenda and given time to speak. Please note that the agenda for this Town Hall meeting remains unchanged (or may be amended as applicable.)
The meetings for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year, on the scheduled dates, will not be held in-person, and will instead be held via teleconference on the Google MEET platform, and through email for documents (such as handouts and agenda.) The School Safety Team meetings for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year will remain as scheduled.
Safety Drills for All New York City Public Schools
General Response Protocol (GRP)
September 18, 2019Dear Parents:
I am writing to inform you that our school will be implementing protocols that will focus on emergency preparedness in all NYC Public Schools. Every school currently has procedures for emergencies. Drills are conducted throughout the year to prepare our staff and students, and make improvements in emergency planning.Under the General Response Protocol (GRP), every school will be conducting drills designed to help prepare all school communities for three different types of response to emergencies that may occur: evacuation, shelter-in, and lockdown. Training has begun and will continue for staff and students throughout the year conducted by our school safety administrator, Assistant Principal Mrs. Kobetitsch. Refresher lessons will also be conducted throughout the school year by each of the classroom teachers.
You are encouraged to take advantage of the many resources that are available to keep families informed if there is an emergency at a school. As you know our school uses the automated telephone system, Global Connect, and the mobile app REMIND and it is important for all families to provide updated Emergency Contact Cards to us to keep on file in our main office. This includes providing information indicating phone numbers, and the names of adults who the school may release children to in an emergency. Please know that “all numbers” will only be used in an emergency and not for routine announcements.Families are also encouraged to register with Notify NYC (https://a858-nycnotify.nyc.gov/notifynyc/) to receive information about emergency events, and may call 311 for additional information about a school during an emergency. Please email any questions you have to our Parent Coordinator, Mrs. Hui at LHui2@schools.nyc.gov.
Principal K. Kelly
SY 2019.2020
PS 174 Safety Meeting
Fridays at 8am in the Principal’s office
September 13
October 11
November 8
December 13
January 10
February 14
March 13
* April 3 Town Hall
May 8
June 12* School Safety Team Meetings are required to be held monthly, according to the NYC Regulations of the Chancellor. Due the impact of COVID-19, the regular meetings of the Public School 174 School Safety Team Town Hall meetings originally scheduled on Friday April 3, will be held alternately electronically. Since this has been identified in our PS 174 School Safety Plan as a Town Hall, it is a meeting open to the public.
SY 2018.2019
PS 174 Safety Meeting
Fridays at 8am in the Principal’s office
September 21
October 26
November 16
December 21
January 25
February 8
March 15
* April 5 Town Hall
May 24
June 7* This is a Town Hall, open forum where parents are invited to attend.
Internet Safety Update
Dear PS 174 Families,
As you know, many children have email accounts, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and use games such as Fortnight and other social media platforms. Social media is part of the present day culture; attractive to users for fun, entertainment and as well as for learning.
In recent days, there is news of a concern from content on Youtube.com and other social media outlets. Please be sure to continuously monitor your child’s use of the internet and phone and speak to your child about their use of social networking. The following reminders were shared with students today:
* play games and use apps with adults present
* never play internet games or have chats with anyone that you do not know
* never accept any challenges without permission of family
* if you see a scary picture, avitar, or read or hear a frightening message, call an adult immediately.
For parents, please use parent controls on all devices. Limit access and keep all passwords so that you can monitor student accounts.
All New York City schools are required to teach our students about appropriate online behavior using an approved curriculum. This includes how to interact appropriately on social networking websites, cyberbullying awareness and ways of response. For your information, there is a link below with good tips and resources for your consideration.
We are committed to protecting the safety and security of all of our students when using direct electronic communications both in school and at home. If you have any questions or concerns, always reach out to LHui2@schools.nyc.gov or your child’s teacher, and we will follow up with you.
Principal K. Kelly
https://www.commonsensemedia.org with a special section for parents that can be found at https://www.commonsensemedia.org/parent-concerns.
Safety Alert! Safety Alert!
Parents Driving to School
“Please be patient and careful!”
Dear Parent,
Driving has been an ongoing concern for the PS 174 community.
The safety of our children is everyone's concern and everyone's responsibility.
Please consider Dierterle Crescent as "one way" street. For example, from 65th Drive turn onto Dieterle Crescent at the flag pole / crossing guard onto the front of the school.
- To ease the flow of traffic---
All students enter at the door closest to the school yard. School aides and staff will be at the door for bus students and walkers to enter.
- The front entrance is not a student entrance.
Cars may line up behind buses – but please refrain from passing the buses or making a U-Turn. It is better for parents to park nearby and walk a block or two to cross the street.
- Buses drop off students on Dieterle
- Please be a considerate neighbor - never double-park; never beep your horns.
Remember, traffic tickets will be given for unsafe and illegal driving habits.
Always keep crosswalk clear, pulling up to the curb; never drive onto the sidewalk.
Please escort your child to and from the school door. It is unsafe for children to run across the street to and from the car. Our breakfast is served every day from 7:40. Please come a few minutes early to drop off your child and to ease congestion.
Remember, each one of us will make a difference in safety.
Thanking you in advance for your cooperation.
Dear School Community:
In February 2011, New York City announced a comprehensive plan to increase the energy efficiency and environmental quality of NYC schools. An important aspect of the plan is to address polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) present in many fluorescent lighting fixtures installed in our school buildings between 1950 and 1978. The program includes the replacement of all T-12 fluorescent lamps with magnetic ballasts and older high intensity discharge (HID) lighting which may have contained PCBs.
Our building contains HID lighting fixtures, but does not have other fixtures that may contain PCBs. HID lights are located in very limited portions of our building – the auditorium and the gym.. The DOE is replacing all HID fixtures installed before 1980 unless construction records verify that these fixtures were replaced. All of the replacements are scheduled for change and will be completed well before the end date of December 31, 2016.
While we understand concerns regarding the presence of materials containing PCBs in the school building, the City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) has advised that, based on a pilot study of DOE schools, there is no immediate health concern and that health effects from long term exposure to the air in school buildings are unlikely to occur at the PCB levels seen in the NYC schools. Please visit http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/downloads/pdf/epi/pcb.pdf for more information on PCBs and to address any questions about health concerns
Karin Kelly Principal
Safety Drills for All New York City Public Schools
General Response Protocol (GRP)
Dear Parents:
I am writing to inform you that our school will be implementing protocols that will focus on emergency preparedness in all NYC Public Schools. Every school currently has procedures for emergencies. Drills are conducted throughout the year to prepare our staff and students, and make improvements in emergency planning.
Under the General Response Protocol (GRP), every school will be conducting drills designed to help prepare all school communities for three different types of response to emergencies that may occur: evacuation, shelter-in, and lockdown. Training has begun and will continue for staff and students throughout the year conducted by our school safety administrator, Assistant Principal Mrs. O’Connor and our school safety liaison, Mrs. Hammer. Refresher lessons will also be conducted throughout the school year by each of the classroom teachers.
You are encouraged to take advantage of the many resources that are available to keep families informed if there is an emergency at a school. As you know our school uses the automated telephone system, Global Connect, and it is important for all families to provide updated Emergency Contact Cards to us to keep on file in our main office. This includes providing information indicating phone numbers, and the names of adults who the school may release children to in an emergency. Please know that “all numbers” will only be used in an emergency and not for routine announcements.
Families are also encouraged to register with Notify NYC (https://a858-nycnotify.nyc.gov/notifynyc/) to receive information about emergency events, and may call 311 for additional information about a school during an emergency. Please email any questions you have to our Parent Coordinator, Mrs. Hui at LHui2@schools.nyc.gov.
Principal K. Kelly
Safety Alert!
Parents Driving to School
Snow, ice and winter weather effect arrivals
Please be patient and carefulJanuary 31, 2014
Dear Parent,
Driving has been an ongoing concern for the PS 174 community.
The safety of our children is everyone's concern and everyone's responsibility.
* To ease the flow of traffic---
Please consider Dierterle Crescent as "one way" street. For example, from 65th Drive turn onto Dieterle Crescent at the flag pole / crossing guard onto the front of the school.* The front entrance is not a student entrance.
All students enter at the door closest to the school yard. School aides and staff will be at the door for bus students and walkers to enter.
* Buses drop off students on Dieterle
Cars may line up behind buses – but please refrain from passing the buses or making a U-Turn. It is better for parents to park nearby and walk a block or two to cross the street.* Please be a considerate neighbor - never double-park; never beep your horns.
Remember, traffic tickets will be given for unsafe and illegal driving habits.
Always keep crosswalk clear, pulling up to the curb; never drive onto the sidewalk.Please escort your child to and from the school door. It is unsafe for children to run across the street to and from the car. Our breakfast is served every day from 7:40. Please come a few minutes early to drop off your child and to ease congestion.
Remember, each one of us will make a difference in safety.
Thanking you in advance for your cooperation.
Karin Kelly
Public School 174 William Sidney Mount
65-10 Dieterle Crescent
Rego Park, NY 11501
Our School Safety Committee meets monthly as follows:
Dates for the 2014-2015Safety Meetings are as follows:
Tuesday afternoons from 2:35-3:15.
September 16, 2014
October 21, 2014
November 17, 2014
December 16, 2014
January 13, 2014
February 10, 2014
March 10, 2014
April 14, 2014
May 12, 2014
June 9, 2014List of tentative dates for Fire Drills, Bus Drills and Lockdowns to be followed.
The Safety meeting dates are scheduled in September and are included in our School Safety Plan. Each school must have a School Safety Plan that is revised each year and approved by the NYPD.
*This meeting is and open forum and the Committee welcomes all members of the PS 174 School Community to attend.
- All visitors are to leave by the main entrance only.
- All baby strollers are to be parked at the main entrance/lobby.
- No pets in the school.