Public School 174
Everyday Counts! Absences.
After an absence and on the first day back to school, a note signed by a parent, detailing the reason for the absence, should be given to the child’s teacher or emailed to the school. If your child contracts a serious illness or sustains an injury necessitating a cast, boot, sling etc., please contact the classroom teacher and the school nurse to discuss alternative arrangements to accommodate your child. Absences will be coded as excused if we receive proper documentation.
Extended Vacation. Pupil lateness and absence directly affect the quality of class work and homework. Please consider this when planning family vacations. An extended absence before or after a school break is considered unauthorized. Your child’s permanent record reflects all absences.
Lateness. Children in grades K-5 who arrive at school after arrival time are considered late. Please cooperate by having your child arrive on time. A major factor in determining your child’s success in school is attendance. Work begins promptly after arrival, so lateness means your child misses critical instruction and also disrupts the teacher and other students as work begins.
At the main door, your child will be given a late pass to give to the classroom teacher for the teacher to adjust the attendance.Note: The Late pass is recorded after attendance was already submitted. You may receive an automated call that your child was absent. Late pass adjustment is made thereafter.